Sep 28, 2010

Stonestown Farmer's Market

Last sunday at 9am, I have visited Stonestown Farmer's Market for my research. This market named for Families by SFweekly. Here is more information about Stonestown Farmer's Market.

The official website by Marin Agricultural Institute:

SFweekly article:

Almost all vendors has a nameboard informing where their farms or store are located.
however, the only thing we can know at there is "address", not how far their product traveled to get here or how much the benefits actually can be gained.

This place has a great variety of organic bread. However, we can hardly see where those bread come from. Actually, this type of information system cannot raise our awareness of consuming local foods.

Next store's nameboard has easy-to-read infomation about the store, and many other vendors have the same type of nameboad. But again, does all customers check them out? They must choose what to buy by looking at their items, not looking at the nameboads.

The following picture is the only one which has store's infomation with a map just next to their products. This sign can catch our eyes and get our attention.

Close to the map, we can see where we are at now and how far their store are located from here.

And, this is another example attracting my attention. This is the information which tells us the place where we can find their products around our area, so that we do not have to come here to buy their apples every Sunday but we can buy them anytime we need.

The findings I was able to get at this market were valueble facts for further research.

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